Carpet replacement project
Carpet Replacement Project
We are pleased to announce that our library has been awarded a grant of $22,981 from the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation.

The Grant Funds are made available from the Building Community through Neighborhood Revitalization 2024 Special Grant Opportunity.

The grant will be used for one-half of the costs to replace the library's 24-year-old carpet.

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We provide free notary services for the benefits of our community residents.  A notary is usually available duing library hours, but we advise calling (419-293-2425) to confirm one is available.

Please do not sign any documents before notarizing. 



Friends of the Library

The Friends Group of the library is a volunteer, non-profit organization whose mission is to motivate and support the library and their efforts to strengthen our community through materials and programs.

Goals of the group will be to provide both physical and monetary support to the library.

Carpet Project

Additional funds for the project have been given from individual donors, our Friends of the Library Group along with designating our Miriam Rader Endowment Fund Distribution to cover 93% of remaining costs. 

The project is scheduled to begin the last week of January and the library will close at times for the installation.