Getting a Library Card

Who may obtain a library card?

Any Ohio Resident may be issued a library card at no charge.   A library application must be completed and signed and must meet these requirements:

  • a valid picture ID with current address OR
  • a valid picture ID with documentation of current address (Mail, auto registration, etc.)

Parents of minor children must be present when completing an application and must sign the child's application.

How much does the library card cost?

Your first library card is free. Replacements cards cost $1.00.

How often can I renew an item?

​Materials may be renewed up to four times for the same time period, unless another patron has requested a hold on the item.

Are overdue items fined?

No – we are a fine-free library;  however patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their accounts. 

Lost items and items which are damaged beyond repair will be charged at the cost of the item.

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